3 weeks later

Publié le par Anja

After 3 weeks we are quite popular in Dédougou. Now everybody is not just saying hello, they also know our names! Embarrasingly we mostly don't know who is talking to us...

But now I know nearly all the names of our 18 sweet little children in the orphanage and Helene says she knows the 15 girls of the english class. Well that is not so much, in the local college are up to 80 pupils in one class! And they are pretty quiet! Last monday I met a german-teacher who was living 9 years in Saarbrücken and could join his german class. He has 5 classes in 2 schools and he knows all the pupils! that makes 400!

Finally we made so much advertising that our last informatic-course was totally overcrowded and we couldn't handle to work with all the pupils. These 3 hours are so exhausting because you are explaining the internet to people who are sitting the first time in front of a computer!

Yesterday there was a big music-event in the local disco "robinet" with "Flowbee" and "DJ Yayouss", two big stars in Burkina! The people where going crazy! the event was sponsored by a local tabac company and to enter we had to buy a package of cigarettes!



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Nice blog, lots of photos, words and smiles. I like it ! <br /> Nice works, you ve done and give so much. Chapeau!<br /> Nice countries, amazing landscape. beautiful people. <br /> Bref, hope your you\\\'re fine.<br /> And thanks for news.<br /> Je vous Embrasse.<br />
bonjour les filles! merci de votre participation  que vous faite ici<br /> au clac . je vous remerci beaucoup
Danke für die Karte mit dem zufriedenen Kamel äääh Giraffe! Tolle Reise machst du da! Die neuen Fotos aus Burkina sind wundertoll. Man merkt hier das du länger an einem ort verweilst und du mehr zeit hast dich drauf einzulassen. Echt schön. Wegen der Archis würd ich glad ma mit der Großformat vorbeischauen! ... Ach neee mein Rücken und dann noch der rucksack ;-P <br /> Freu mich auf ein wiedersehn BYEKAI<br /> P.S.: Die Anja und die Babies: HERZALLERLIEBST!!!